Thursday, December 9, 2010

assessment webs

Term 4 'Managing Self' - Self Assessment


I meet my deadlines

I set challenges and mini comps if things get boring

I organise and keep track of my equipment.

I need nobody to remind me to behave or get back to work.

I keep my eye on the prize

I always have work to carry on with.


Self Reflection / Goals
i need to keep my desk and other things tidy at all times
i meet my deadline
i meet my deadline but i need to find work to carry on with

i need to set more mini comps, but i still meet my deadlines.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dialoge writing

We were at Brampton Island , Queens land Australia when I spotted a Goanna from our deck .
“Robert look there’s a Goanna,” I called out .” Go get your camera.”
“Naaaahhhh it all run out,“ Robert said sadly back.
“Fine I’ll get mine,” I sighed annoyingly.

Athletics Writing

Its a super sunny day ,even better its athletics day.
our first activity is high jump .

It's Luke , Jake and I ,and we have to jump a 1.9m to win the high jump.
i run steadly up to the bar, i jump, dam! my foot knocks it.
i nervously wait to see if anyone makes it Luke knocks it and so does Jake.

I'm on my second turn running up to the bar faster than before, I jump, I skim it, I make it,yes!
Jake and Luke both knock it Yay!!!!!!!! I won.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

End Of Year Writing

i have had a great time in LC 13 .
T.C has been a very encouraging teacher.

my best sports achievements this year are 3rd in the school cross country, second in the school duathlon and 6th in the inter school triathlon.

I have enjoyed the inter galactic trophy because it is very challenging and fun.

My best class achievements have been getting up to independence level three, hitting a golf ball further than T.C, not getting a no for ages and getting golds for all my animal inquiry activities.

I have liked Market Day because I get lots of yummy food and snidges.

I am looking forward to the holidays but I also hope I am in T.C's class next year.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

speech S.A


Written and Oral Language

We are learning to:

* Present material, conveying meaning clearly and accurately

* Write and speak, expressing personal viewpoints, sequencing ideas logically

Speech Topic:

cycling cheats

Self Assessment from video

Speech in front of class

Success Criteria:

Speech Writing

My speech followed the hamburger technique and was logically sequenced



The point I was making was easy to understand



My speech contained research



My speech had voice and was interesting



My speech was in my words



My big idea comes through strongly




I enunciated my words clearly



Terminal consonants

Ts and ds in the middles of words

Swallowed my goobies first

Seperated my words

My voice was loud enough



I learnt my speech off by heart



I used expression in my voice



I used enough volume to be heard by all



I used eye-contact



My speech was not too fast, not too slow



My speech was between 2 and 3 minutes



My presentation materials supported but didn’t repeat my words




9 1/2


Novice – 5 Apprentice – 6 Practitioner – 11 Expert – 14

Self Assessment after Video

Self Assessment after Speech


Sunday, October 31, 2010


I'm going to talk to you about how cyclists cheat, and who some famous cycling cheats are. In the olden days some cyclists cheated by throwing tacks in front of the other riders. As scientists started to find out new ways of cheating, like drugs, more cyclists started cheating. In one of the early Tour De France races they had to ride in the night so a group of riders secretly hopped on a train and hopped off just before the finish of that stage.

The Tour De France is the most well known cycle race in the world. People have thought that many Tour De France winners have taken drugs. Some have been right and some have been absolutely wrong. Some of the following people are either people who have taken drugs or people who have been found guilty of taking drugs: Alberto Contador (a three time winner of the Tour De France was suspended after a positive drug test in the 2010 Tour), Floyd Landis is also another Tour De France winner who has taken drugs, he won the 2006 Tour, but his gold medal was stripped from him after he returned a positive drug test result. Many people have thought that Lance Armstrong (seven time winner of the Tour De France) has taken drugs, but he has never gone positive in a drug test. Marco Pantani won the Tour De France in 1998, but sadly died after taking too much cocaine in 2004. He was rated the best hill climber of all time. A year after he won the Tour he was disqualified after an unnatural result in a blood cell count test.

So if you become a cyclist, don't try to cheat because you will never get away with it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

Shows three or four weeks of work
Contains pictures and steps
Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
 Some humour
 Some interaction
Audience is attentive
Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
Adults have done some of it for me
No interaction with the audience
No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures

 Reads the words on the PowerPoint or Glog
Clearly started at the last minute
 Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

what did i do well?did a good presentation
what did i learn?to speak up
what is my next learning step?to speak up

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

term 3 H.F %

My H.F % is 78%
i think i did well because last time i got in the 50s

Monday, October 11, 2010

Term 3 goal assesssment

what did i learn?to move away from people who were distracting me.
what did i do well?FOCUSED!!!!!!!!!
what is my next learning step?stay focused

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

concert writing

Walking on to stage was the most nervous moment, I was on the side so I had to no when to go and no where to stand .In Halloween the side people started going out onto stage including me. As we walked through the darkness out on to the stage I was getting nervous by the moment. It seemed like hours to me finally the lights flickered on. My eyes stung like a bee sting.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

maths videos

what did i do well?spoke clearly
what is my next learning step?not be nervos
what did i learn?to not be nervos

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

free writing

what did i do well ? it was not too long
what did i learn? to do it neater
what is my next learning step?do it neater

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


what did i learn ? think what I'm going to write before i write it.
what did i do well ? descriptive writing.
what is my next learning step?think what I'm going to write before i write it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

my best vis lang

what did i learn ?to colour the tittle brighter
what did do well ?did a bold picture
what is my next learning step ?to colour the tittle brighter

spelling test

i don't think i did very well
because i only got 38%

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Assessment Matrix
 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

Shows three or four weeks of work
Contains pictures and steps
 Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
Some humour
Some interaction
 Audience is attentive
Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
Adults have done some of it for me
 No interaction with the audience
 No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures

 Reads the words on the PowerPoint or GlogClearly started at the last minute Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

descriptive writing

The hunter crept through the dark pine-forest, waiting for a deer to approach. The leaves crunched underneath his boot's like fire works crackling.

what did i do well ?

what did i learn ?

what is my next learning step?

My P.I assessment

 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

 Shows three or four weeks of work
 Contains pictures and steps
 Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
 Some humour
 Some interaction
 Audience is attentive
Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
Adults have done some of it for me
 No interaction with the audience
No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures

 Reads the words on the PowerPoint or GlogClearly started at the last minute Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

P. I class feedback

I love the presentation method you've used. It's really well set out and clear. The science you've carried out is good, but you should have shown your hypothesis/es. Your pictures are great. Really good investigation, Thomas. TC

I did the same thing and got same results great P.I tom harry chaz

i think that you did well in your speaking.It was very good but the idea of it was a bit strange.well done with your idea Alana &linda

Cool idea Thomas but next time speak more clearly and loudly, but great job anyway! Maddy and Zia

That was a interesting PI but we were sad that the eggs didn't turn purple at all but still we were intrested.Well done!!!!! Nat,Kelly and Britt

Cool PI Thomas But next time talk louder and tell us abit more info but anyway it was a cool PI. Lucy and Grace

Cool P.I thomas. it looked like the outside of the yolk had turned purple. Corbin,Alan

your pi was very interesting.i really enjoyed your PI and I really liked the idea of the egg shape. natalya and emma

Good P.I Thomas purple eggs would have been so cool its good that you didn't give up once you found out it didn't work and you should try and find out another way to make eggs purple Good job Thomas. Kate and Libby

sweet PI Thomas make sure those chooks liked that beetroot and we would just like to say you did awsome with your PI so congrats thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 caelum and mike

cool and funny. aidan

great pi !!! ne Sara,Sophie,Hannah

good pi thomas i liked that you done something that you wanted to do kale

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My best visual langauge

I chose this visual language because it is my most interesting one.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Natures Forces assessment


what did i learn?

How a Tsunami forms

what did i do well ?

i had lots of facts

what is my next learning step ?

do more work

Sunday, May 9, 2010

my term 1 assessment

what did i learn?
to do the easy ones first.

what did i do well?
got a better score.

what is my next learning step?
be more focused.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

best vis-lang

what did I learn ? To not leave lots of white on the page .
what did I do well? use bold colours .
what is my next learning step ? not have much white on the page.