Tuesday, November 9, 2010

End Of Year Writing

i have had a great time in LC 13 .
T.C has been a very encouraging teacher.

my best sports achievements this year are 3rd in the school cross country, second in the school duathlon and 6th in the inter school triathlon.

I have enjoyed the inter galactic trophy because it is very challenging and fun.

My best class achievements have been getting up to independence level three, hitting a golf ball further than T.C, not getting a no for ages and getting golds for all my animal inquiry activities.

I have liked Market Day because I get lots of yummy food and snidges.

I am looking forward to the holidays but I also hope I am in T.C's class next year.

1 comment:

  1. nice job for this piece you had lots of what you felt like and what you liked but next time add some similes but apart from that nice.
