Monday, October 25, 2010

Term 3 P.I.


  1. Interesting P.I. Thomas!!! that was a gigantic sheild mate, Talk a bit louder from the start to the end so great!!!

  2. Interesting PI Thomas.
    Your sheild was really cool, you put alot of work into it.
    Next time: Speak louder and clearer.
    Kale, Mike and Britt =)

  3. Well done Thomas that was a great pi!!! :)
    what you did well- you put lots of work into the shield.
    what you could do better next time- maybe speak up a bit.
    -Emma, Nat, Kelly.

  4. Great job Thomas. That would of taken ages to make. You needed to speak a bit louder. I liked your sheild.
    Libby Hannah

  5. Cool shield Thomas!
    You had lots of info but could have talked a bit louder and had some interaction with the audience.
    Other than that great job!

    By Luce, Madi and Grace

  6. well done Thomas!+
    What you did well: You brang the shield in & you spoke clear
    You need to work on: speak a little louder

  7. Great PI You have put lots of work in to it It looks cool. Next time you should have spoke louder and look at the audience more
    Zia Linda

  8. great job thomas but next time maybe next time speak off paper and talk louder and slower but apart from that very intresting

  9. well done thomas you did your presentation well you need to work on speaking clearly and louder
    Hadley Alan Ken

  10. Fabulous PI, Thomas. Your shield looks strong and sturdy. I like the strong simplicity of your design. Your poster is effective and I like the way you have stuck to red and white as your colour scheme. To improve, you need to think about what you say and how you say it. Reading off a poster is difficult because your head has to face away from the audience. Also, you can put a lot more detailed information on the poster than you need to give your audience. Perhaps you could have just held your marvellous shield and talked about it (and the Crusaders). Otherwise fabulous, Thomas.
