Monday, August 2, 2010

my term 2 pi


  1. That must have been AWFUL! I think you were hugely strong and disciplined to have gone without food for all that time. Well done.

  2. Natalya great PI thomas I really enjoyed it cool

    well done for doing and cool topic it was intersting

  3. WOW! Cool P.I Thomas!
    we really enjoyed it! It made us hungry afterwords !
    next time speak a little bit louder!

  4. awesome PI thomas you had a little bit of info next time you could speak a bit clearly and louder but other than that congrats

  5. A very interesting topic Thomas, and a clear and well-presented poster which had good pictures so that we could imagine what it would be like not to eat for one whole day. Next time, try to speak a bit louder and try to include some audience participation. Well done!

  6. good job you had a good topic i would have died if i went with out food for that long. next time more info. but good job.

  7. great pi tom that was so cool but maybe you could put some more information in the prestion but apart from that great and i never knew that any one could do that so well done

  8. Great job Thomas. it must of been hard and AWFUL but next time talk louder but a part from that good job

    Lucy and Zia

  9. cool thomas now im really hungry I enjoyed it. it looks hard

  10. Great PI Thomas
    You can tell that you worked hard and that you put lots of thought into what you were doing.

  11. Cool PI Thomas!
    That was a good topic to choose, I guess now you know what it feels like for those poor people in Africa etc.
    I reckon next time you could try 40 hours!
    Next time: Maybe speak a bit more clearer apart from that
    Great Job
    Britt =)
