Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I got lots of them right.
I learnt more strategies.
I could have tried finishing them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

quiddage writing

  1. My favourite part of quiddage is buying food and stuff and running my business.
  2. My least favourite part of quiddage is probably being stuck in the bank or when no one is coming to our business and its really boring.
  3. I have 4 jobs, which are: T.C's PA, technician, police, accountant. I have done all my jobs well except my PA job, I did not do it very well.
  4. Yes, I have had a few businesses, they were: lemon gelato, sweet 'n sour, and Nerf or Nothing.
  5. One good thing I have done is made snidges.
  6. I could of made only one business in the year.
  7. I learnt how marketing and money works.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dot art

T4 visual language

i could have put more detail into it
i learnt that bold colors make it look way better
i made it interesting and colorful

P.I matrix

 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

 Shows three or four weeks of work
 Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
 Some humour (?)
 Some interaction with the audience
 Audience is attentive and interested
 Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
 Adults have done some of the work for me
 No interaction with the audience
 No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures
Mostly reads the info from the presentation

 Reads the words on the presentation
Clearly started at the last minute
 Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

Monday, November 28, 2011

Elections Writing

  1. Our party had some good policies and did really well in the advert.
  2. I was the president and I directed the team.
  3. I think our policies were pretty bad because you could just go to the PE shed, or make your own blow football table.
  4. Our problems were that Sam started bossing everyone around and no one would listen.
  5. We had a talk to TC and she helped us sort out our problems.
  6. we could of improved be thinking of different policies or made a different party.
  7. I learnt how elections work and how voting works.
  8. I felt glad it was over and feel happy for the party that won but a bit devastated that we lost. We lost becuase we did not know what to buy and we weren't very organised.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My T3 HF %

what i learnt?I need to focus more

what i need to do better next time?get 100%

what did i do well ?I got in the 90s

T4 goal

My goal is to

Get into the

Special abilities class!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

what did i do well ? i made it have bold colours
what could i do better next time ? draw more in the back ground
what did i learn ? when its bold it looks way better

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senior Skyscrapers Interview Sheet Term 3 2011

Student Name: Thomas Stannard

  • One thing I have most enjoyed learning about is:Making addverts for the big market day.

  • My best piece of work is:The writing did with Miss Sparkes because it had a lot of describing words and was interesting.

  • My biggest achievement:Has been making Parkvale hockey team.

  • I know this because:I am going to parkvale to play hockey on tuesday.

  • My goal for this term is to: Learn all my times tables

  • I am practicing for my goal:by practicing my basic facts

  • I would like to tell you this about our big market day:because my team made $60 and put a lot of work into it and worked really well as a team.

  • My biggest challenge has been getting over 80% on all my basic facts reselts

  • I would like some help with my Times table

Finally, can you please look at my ePortfolio frequently. I’d like you to make comments about my learning.

Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________

Senior Skyscrapers Interview Sheet Term 3 2011

Student Name: Thomas Stannard

  • One thing I have most enjoyed learning about is:Making addverts for the big market day.

  • My best piece of work is:The writing did with Miss Sparkes because it had a lot of describing words and was interesting.

  • My biggest achievement:Has been making Parkvale hockey team.

  • I know this because:I am going to parkvale to play hockey on tuesday.

  • My goal for this term is to: Learn all my times tables

  • I am practicing for my goal:by practicing my basic facts

  • I would like to tell you this about our big market day:because my team made $60 and put a lot of work into it and worked really well as a team.

  • My biggest challenge has been getting over 80% on all my basic facts reselts

  • I would like some help with my Times table

Finally, can you please look at my ePortfolio frequently. I’d like you to make comments about my learning.

Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What i did well? finished the movie

What could i improve on ? putting humor in the movie

What i learnt?how to film better

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Market Day Advert

basic facts reselts

Multiplication 82%
Addition 92%
Subtraction 96%
Division 86%

I think that I could of done better than I did.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Technology Assesment Matrix

Technology Assessment Matrix





We needed a lot of help to identify a need or opportunity to produce a product.

Our product was made with our adults' help.

We can identify a need or opportunity with support and copy a process to produce a product.

Our product was created by copying a process with some support from others.

Our group can identify a need or opportunity and design a process to produce a marketable product.

Our product followed the steps of the design process, we made a review of the process and modified one aspect.

We can identify a need or opportunity and design an innovative process to produce a marketable product that sells.

Our product was created by using each step of the design process, we regularly reviewed these steps and make appropriate modifications.



I sometimes participated in my group but had trouble compromising and listening to others.

I copied a process that required no imagination.

I usually participated in my group, and I sometimes struggled to co-operate with others.

I helped to design part of the process, using some imagination.

I generally participated in my group, making a significant contribution.

I used some imagination to help create a process to make a product that sells.

I have made a significant contribution to my group that showed leadership, high level

listening and co-operative skills.

I used my imagination to help create an innovative process to create a product that sells.


We created a product but were unable to sell it.

We created a product and sold it to our family members. Our group made $10 profit.

We designed and created a product that was sold and purchased by those other than our whanau. Our group made a $30 profit.

We designed a process and created a product that was sold and purchased by those other than whanau. Our group made a $50+ profit.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Market day money

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Term 2 P.I Matrix

 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

Shows three or four weeks of work
Information is interesting and in my own words
Adults have supported me without doing work for me
Some humour (?)
 Some interaction with the audience
 Audience is attentive and interested
Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
 Adults have done some of the work for me
No interaction with the audience
 No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few picturesMostly reads the info from the presentation

 Reads the words on the presentationClearly started at the last minute Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stat Investigation Graph

Statistical Data Analysis

Thomas, Sean, Harry

We notice....We wonder....
  • The most common place in family is 2.
  • Alot of QZers have the TV on during dinner but also sit around the table.
  • The number of people who come to school in a car is about even with the people who walk.
  • The most common breakfast food is Toast.
  • The latest bed time is 10.00pm and the earliest is 7.30pm.
  • There are about the same amount of QZers that do and don’t have dogs.
  • Does eating processed food effect your maths?
  • Are the people good at sport good have a bigger love of reading?

Do people that are good at sports, love reading more?

We think that being good at sport does effect your reading.

Sports: 26, Reading: 27. We think that we are right because the reading only beat the sports by 1 point meaning, even though the sports was high, reading was higher.
Most QZealanders like sports and reading equally.
It is odd that while in the class not many QZers mention reading but mention sports a lot, this could be because most days after morning tea we read.

Remember data is not a competition, it just ‘is’. So there’s no such thing as one thing beating another.

I understand that you have worked out that reading and sport are loved pretty much equally in QZealand. I don’t find your graph really clear. If we had more time we could work out the best way of graphing this information.

I wonder if the people who love sport a lot also love reading or if half the class loves sport but not reading and the other half loves reading, but not sport! TC
What did i do well? noticed a lot of things.
What did i learn? that a lot of people that like sport liked reading.
What could i do better next time? Write down some more wonders.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My reading

Terminal consonants



Separate words



Open your mouth to avoid mumbling



Good pace



Enough volume



Ts and Ds in the middles of words



Pronounce ‘th’s’ correctly






Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Production line success criteria

Success Criteria:
Glasses Fortune Tellers Cards Pizza Own Product
Jobs for everyone 8.5 8
Work as a team 10 10
Stay focused 9 9
Don’t take over 10 10
Help / encourage each other 9 10
Listen to others’ ideas 9 9
Have patience 9.5 9
Get along with each other
Sense of belonging for all
Confident to participate with different groups
Help look after the earth
(using resources wisely)
Team assessment /10
103 114

. It would be understandable if your scores go down as the tasks get more complex

What I learnt about participating and contributing from Glasses making:to listen to everybody in the team.

What I learnt about participating and contributing from making Fortune Tellers:you make more things the more you work as a team.

Fortune teller vidio

classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"> name="flashvars"
name="allowFullScreen" value="true">type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
bgcolor="#000000" allowfullscreen="true"
height="225" width="400">

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reading SA

Put the emotion in your voice eg sad



Vary volume



Make onomatapoeia sound effects


Vary tone


Use different voices for speakers






Tuesday, June 21, 2011


What could i do better next time? Not mess up.

What did i do well? Put a lot of expresoin into my voice.

what did i learn? To not mess up other wise it will sound weird when I play it.

No big pauses



No stuttering / or sounding out



Should sound natural, like speech





