Thursday, August 4, 2011

My term 3 P.I


  1. Great P.I. next time you could speak a little bit louder because I was at the end of the room and I could hardly hear you

  2. good pi thomas
    Pictures was good and nicer colours
    but maybe next time you could speak loud and know your words better

    Jaime and Lindaa

  3. nice P.I. you chose different topic to everyone else but next time try not to read of the poster
    cam sam cam

  4. good pi thomas we liked how you had heaps of information but next time read off a script and dont mumble your words and put your name on it but apart from great pi.

  5. Great P.I Thomas that was a good topice. but next time have more info.
    from aidan ty and thor

  6. Great PI Thomas! Birds are awesome. (LOL) It's interesting how birds come out more in the afternoon then in the morning. You also had lots of information and pictures. Next time you could learn your lines a bit better and maybe have a script.

    -Hannah & Caitlin :)

  7. Good job Thomas!

    You spoke loud, clear and you had heaps of pics next time you should Have more things to talk about

    Alana Natalya Bex

  8. Great PI you had very interesting infomation you had lots of pictures. Next time involve the audience

  9. I thought it was great pi but I did not see all of it

  10. Hay tomtankeingine the noise of your hone might of scaced the brids away. Okay that was a brillernt of bridillent PI. Next could you have a bit bigger photos

    From Saul & Ferg
