Sunday, November 20, 2011

Term 4 P.I


  1. Great choice of topic, boys. Truly intrepid! You could have worked out and practiced what you were going to say while the slides were playing. Your photos were great, but you could have had one per slide and made them much bigger. I really enjoyed your interviews. You both spoke really well and gave us an idea of what you were feeling. Really well done, boys.

  2. That was cool that you had to make your own fire.
    Next you guys could of had a sript or more blopers cause that was funny.
    From Bex and Annaleise

  3. Wow, Brave PI Guys!
    It was a great topic, you had nice clear pictures, the movies were great- only bad thing was well there was really any but maybe you guys only really needed one person to do that PI.

    Jaime, Alana

  4. Great P.I Thomas and Sam I really like how you let us see how heavey the bags where but next time you could talk to us.
    From Tyler Josh

  5. Great P.I Thomas
    I liked how you made it Really funny and interesting.
    Next Time Thomas could stop saying um.
    but great pi.

  6. good PI thomas and sammy we liked how you explained every photo and how you didnt need to go inside apart from number 2s but next time you could of talked louder when you were explaing the photos but it was really cool how you stayed in the tent over night great job guys.

  7. mint P.I. sam + thomas

    it was really interesting and its cool you didc some thing out side
    but you could havemade a toilet not go in side

    Thor + Aidan

  8. Great P.I shamuel and thomas the tank engine!
    I especially liked how you picked a different topic and worked together!
    Next time you could of told us the point of walking to the bridge and back.

    from your friends cam mita an cam
