Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My term 2 P.I


  1. I now know all the different measuring machines!

    Next time maybe have more pics and give us more time to look at the measurements


  2. Good P.I Tom

    Cool that you really worked hard on it
    Next time you could work on kowning it off by heart
    From Annaleise

  3. Great P.I Thomas!

    You spoke loud and clear nex time let all of us read all of it and longer and make the colued writing more seeable!

    Alana And Linda

  4. nice p.i I liked how you picked a different topic next time you could speek a bit louder

    from cam and camryn and sam

  5. Good job Thomas I liked how you explained how you got all your information and that you told us that youn went to massey for your information but next time you could have made the font and the colour of the font diffrent so we could read it but apart from that great job.

  6. great P.I. even though I didn'nt get to see it but I'm sure everyone liked it. you could have put more pic on but it was great.

    from aidan chaz and josh

  7. Also make the background a different colour


  8. You spoke clearly Thomas, but there is probably not enough in this to make a full investigation. You usually put a lot of your personality and time into your investigations.

  9. well done thomas you spoke very clear and you choose a topic so everyone would know about you. next time put more pictures and dont make the background to dark because we couldnt see the writing that well
    other than that it was good

  10. good pi thomas but you need to know your words a bit better

  11. him thomas your p.i. was mean

    you were good on you voice and info on your p.i.
    that p.i. wast of bean hard to do.

    you need to work on letting as to see the work on the power point.

    from thor kenyon

  12. Great P.I Thomas your spoke clear and loud
    Next time give more eye contact

    From Rebecca and Cindy

  13. That was a great PI Thomas. You had lots of information and we can tell you put it in your own words but next time you should put more pictures on and not so much info on one page!
    -Hannah and Caitlin
