Sunday, October 31, 2010


I'm going to talk to you about how cyclists cheat, and who some famous cycling cheats are. In the olden days some cyclists cheated by throwing tacks in front of the other riders. As scientists started to find out new ways of cheating, like drugs, more cyclists started cheating. In one of the early Tour De France races they had to ride in the night so a group of riders secretly hopped on a train and hopped off just before the finish of that stage.

The Tour De France is the most well known cycle race in the world. People have thought that many Tour De France winners have taken drugs. Some have been right and some have been absolutely wrong. Some of the following people are either people who have taken drugs or people who have been found guilty of taking drugs: Alberto Contador (a three time winner of the Tour De France was suspended after a positive drug test in the 2010 Tour), Floyd Landis is also another Tour De France winner who has taken drugs, he won the 2006 Tour, but his gold medal was stripped from him after he returned a positive drug test result. Many people have thought that Lance Armstrong (seven time winner of the Tour De France) has taken drugs, but he has never gone positive in a drug test. Marco Pantani won the Tour De France in 1998, but sadly died after taking too much cocaine in 2004. He was rated the best hill climber of all time. A year after he won the Tour he was disqualified after an unnatural result in a blood cell count test.

So if you become a cyclist, don't try to cheat because you will never get away with it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

Shows three or four weeks of work
Contains pictures and steps
Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
 Some humour
 Some interaction
Audience is attentive
Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
Adults have done some of it for me
No interaction with the audience
No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures

 Reads the words on the PowerPoint or Glog
Clearly started at the last minute
 Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

what did i do well?did a good presentation
what did i learn?to speak up
what is my next learning step?to speak up

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

term 3 H.F %

My H.F % is 78%
i think i did well because last time i got in the 50s

Monday, October 11, 2010

Term 3 goal assesssment

what did i learn?to move away from people who were distracting me.
what did i do well?FOCUSED!!!!!!!!!
what is my next learning step?stay focused