Assessment Matrix
Expert Shows weeks of work
Audience is very interested
I've done the work myself
Research in my words – with my personality in it Contains humour(?)
Interaction with the audience
Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression
Shows three or four weeks of work
Contains pictures and steps Information is interesting and in my own words Adults have supported me without doing work for me
Some humour
Some interaction Audience is attentive
Speech is clearApprentice Shows about a week’s work A little information – some in my own words
Adults have done some of it for me No interaction with the audience
No humour
Poor presentation
Few pictures
Novice Reads the words on the PowerPoint or GlogClearly started at the last minute Hardly any info
Parents have done a lot of it for me
No pictures or steps
Copied straight off the internet
No humour
Not finished on time
Untidy presentation
Speech is not very clear