Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I got lots of them right.
I learnt more strategies.
I could have tried finishing them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

quiddage writing

  1. My favourite part of quiddage is buying food and stuff and running my business.
  2. My least favourite part of quiddage is probably being stuck in the bank or when no one is coming to our business and its really boring.
  3. I have 4 jobs, which are: T.C's PA, technician, police, accountant. I have done all my jobs well except my PA job, I did not do it very well.
  4. Yes, I have had a few businesses, they were: lemon gelato, sweet 'n sour, and Nerf or Nothing.
  5. One good thing I have done is made snidges.
  6. I could of made only one business in the year.
  7. I learnt how marketing and money works.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dot art

T4 visual language

i could have put more detail into it
i learnt that bold colors make it look way better
i made it interesting and colorful

P.I matrix

 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

 Shows three or four weeks of work
 Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
 Some humour (?)
 Some interaction with the audience
 Audience is attentive and interested
 Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
 Adults have done some of the work for me
 No interaction with the audience
 No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures
Mostly reads the info from the presentation

 Reads the words on the presentation
Clearly started at the last minute
 Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

Monday, November 28, 2011

Elections Writing

  1. Our party had some good policies and did really well in the advert.
  2. I was the president and I directed the team.
  3. I think our policies were pretty bad because you could just go to the PE shed, or make your own blow football table.
  4. Our problems were that Sam started bossing everyone around and no one would listen.
  5. We had a talk to TC and she helped us sort out our problems.
  6. we could of improved be thinking of different policies or made a different party.
  7. I learnt how elections work and how voting works.
  8. I felt glad it was over and feel happy for the party that won but a bit devastated that we lost. We lost becuase we did not know what to buy and we weren't very organised.